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Ariel Basson Freiberg exhibits with Abigail Ogilvy Gallery + Howard Yezerski Gallery in Boston and Harmon Gallery in Wellfeet.
Abigail Ogilvy Gallery Website

Howard Yezerski Website

*Please check out my new site*

Current Exhibitions
"Reconfigure" two person show at Abigail Ogilvy Gallery Sept. 1st - Oct. 1st. Public Artists Talk Oct. 20th 6pm - 9pm.

"Trespass Daughter" at Howard Yezerski Gallery Sept. 8th - Oct. 10th

"Immigrancy" Samson Projects Sept. 8th - Nov. 11th. Samson Project Website

Recent exhibitions
"Love like Salt", performance and installation, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston June 10th 2017

"Love Like Salt" is a performance Undressing the skins of the identity – constructed, imagined, and historically informed. A wall wrapped with layers of large drawings, paintings, collagraph and woodblock prints patiently waits its undressing. Prints of lace, jeans, tools, wild mint, touch the multiplicity of my identity and heritage. As an act to dislodge the myth of one language and one face, I rip through the layers. This subtractive process tears through the strata of images to the heart of language, revealing the mix mash, including phrases in Baghdadi Judaic Arabic.

Real/Ideal: Turning Utopia into Reality. Curated by David Guerra at the Boston Center for the Arts at the Mills Gallery. On view July 20 to Sept. 17th

Upcoming Events

University Hall, UMass Boston

We are also thrilled to share Kerosene, a catalog featuring the current body of work with an essay by Trevor Smith, Curator of the Present Tense at the Peabody Essex Museum. To inquire about a copy, please reach out to or

Recent Events and Reviews

Big Red and Shiny Review of Trespass Daughter + Reconfigure
Click Here to read the BRS review.
Boston Globe Review of my drawing, feminine delinquency,in "Feelers" group exhibition.
Click Here to read the Boston Globe review.

ARTnew review in October 2013 issue of "Blazoning Arms" at Miller Yezerski. Click Here to read Ariel's review in ARTnews.

Solo show, "Blazoning Arms" at Miller Yezerski Gallery in Boston's South End. On view from June 7 - July 9 2013.

"The Country Between Us" at the New Art Center, Newton. Curated by Ariel Freiberg for Nov. & Dec. of 2013. Including artists: Resa Blatman, Ariel Freiberg, Susan Scott, and Zsuzanna Varga Szegedi. Click here for more details

My paintings explore narrative and literary based female-centric mythologies. These paintings, of large and small scale, synthesize my personal life with contemporary and historical iconography. I am constantly looking and reading to find deeper connections between my personal perspective and the perspective of the world at large. Some of my work explores the psychology of contemporary human interaction, such as mirror neurons and female chauvinism. The characters in my paintings are in transition, both sexually and environmentally.

These characters are not "made up"; they are found through a process of drawing, printing and observation. Their shapes and personae interact with the environment of each painting and evolve throughout their creation.

Part of the process of my art is to invite the viewer into a visual and conceptual dialogue with the narrative of my personal experiences and observations. Many of my works explore the mystery of excess, consumption, and sexual fulfillment. In Big Dream, a girl is balancing on the whirling pyramid of shoes, confident in her stance, but skeptical as to how this moment will last. In the frenzy of consumption and sexual fulfillment, the illusion of attaining the dream becomes real, even if just for a moment.

It works such as Errancy I deconstruct idealized images from advertisements and fashion magazines and reassemble the images to create a new narrative. Sometimes I will build arrangements with found objects, such as shoes and gardening tools and pair them with the torn papers. In practice, the gardening tools are used to oxygenate the soil, working the surface to make fertile ground.

The process of these constructions begins by assessing found images that resonate with me personally, and I then rip the images into pieces and reassemble them into collages. Once I have a completed the collage, I create a painting of the new image, exploring the process of space, color schemes and the edges between the ripped edges.

Many of my paintings navigate the meaning behind beauty’s seduction. The meaning under the imology speaks to our bodies, in unfamiliar spaces, pushing expectations of what is seen and what is felt. Through the process of painting, I look to visualize persisting questions, which lead me to explore new ways of creating visual imagery with contemporary iconography.

Curriculum Vitae
Click here to download my CV in PDF format.

Ariel Freiberg

I am available to work on commissions of any size and am happy to discuss any ideas or inspirations for a piece. I get a great amount of joy working on a project collaboratively with its future owner.
Please contact me for samples of past commissions. Pricing starts at $2500.